Monday, March 19, 2012

Where to begin...

I think it has been about 2 years since I have last posted.  Ridiculous I know...kind of hard to post when you don't have internet or a computer.  We are now a hi-tech fam with a computer AND internet AND a printer...reason being is Mike started school.  Before I get into that let me start with the beginning of the last 2 years.  I think my last post was when we went backpacking in the Uintas.  That was when I was 5 months pregnant with Weston.  BOY DOES TIME FLY!!!!  He is now an incredibly fun and crazy toddler.  He is almost 16 months old.  He is absolutely amazing.  I am so happy we were blessed with such a strong and sensitive spirit.  He is SO fun to teach.  He is learning sign language which is a HUGE help with his frustration with communication.  He knows how to sign, please, thank you, milk, poop, more, eat, mom, dad, love, again, thirsty and I think there are a few others and more we are working on.  He is now starting to say the words as he signs.  I love him!  He is definitely a toddler now and no longer a baby which makes me happy and sad at the same time.  Here are some of his favorites at almost 16 months old:

Food: Avocados, fish, cream of wheat, peanut butter, broccoli and onions...seriously this kid is obsessed with onions, especially green ones.

Toy: As of last week he LOVES the box the diapers came in.  I attached a belt to it and pull him around the house.  Sometimes he will put his big bear in it (another obsession) and he will pull the bear around.

Movie:  We don't have any sort of cable or TV but we do watch movies occasionally.  Weston has never sat down and watched a movie, which I am TOTALLY fine and actually happy about.  Well, starting about 2 weeks ago ALL he wants to watch is Nacho Libre.  He will sit and watch the entire movie.  We have watch it almost everyday since the obsession began.  A few days ago he handed me a blanket turned around, grabbed my arms and had me put the blanket around his neck like a cape. The blanket was a bit big so I got a pillow case and put it on him like a cape.  He wore it ALL day and refused to let me take it off.  He went into the living room and handed me to Nacho Libre case and asked to watch it. 

Favorite book: He has a few.  He loves the book Aunt Rachel and Uncle Andrew gave him for his birthday, the 1,2,3 book his Aunt Jeanette gave him and a mouse book I had when I was little. 

Favorite Drink: Milk and water.

Weston, you amaze me.  I love you so much and I think you are going to be an incredible big brother.  You have a very strong spirit and are very stubborn.  Sometimes it is hard to handle your stubborness, but I know it will benefit you when you are older.  You are so kind and sweet.  Anytime you see another baby or toddler you ALWAYS share whatever you are eating or playing with.  When you leave a room you have to hug everyone in the room, give knuckles and blow kisses.  You LOVE to hug, kiss and cuddle with mommy and daddy.  I love watching you learn and discover new things.  Like I said, you absolutely amaze me.  I love you Mister.


  1. What a fantastic way to return!! Keep it up!

  2. Ah Weston, I thought I loved you before... What a little love ♥

  3. Rach, thanks! I actually plan on it. I am quite excited about it. Thanks for your help.
    Britney, he is such a little love! He told me he missed you so much and can't wait to see you!
