Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Little Miss Lucy

Our birth story for Lucy Marie Dexter
Due date: June 5th
Born: May 31st
Time: 3:55 p.m.
Weight: 7.4
Height: 19.5 inches
Head: 33 cm

Lucy's birth story is SO different than Weston's.  Even though we live in Payson we chose to go to Dixie again because she is so wonderful.  The first half of my pregnancy we went to an OB group in Provo, but then Mike and I both strongly felt we should go to Dixie.  I started going to my weekly check ups at 36 weeks.  At 36 weeks, I was dilated 2cm.  That really doesn't mean anything because you can be at a 2 for weeks so I didn't think much of it.  At my 37 week check I was a 3 and at 38 weeks I was a 5.  This slow progress was pretty cool and I got my hopes up thinking I was going to have this little girl early.  At my 37 week appt Dixie told me that it was very possible for me to dilate out to a 7 or so and not even know or feel it.  That is exactly what happened.  Mike and I were a bit concerned because the hospital is an hour and a half away from our house.  We were interested to see how it all played out.  So, we went to our 39 week appt on Wed. May 30th.  I was dilated to a 7.  Dixie stretched me and stripped my membranes and after leaving I was an 8.  She told us to go to the park and walk around for an hour or so and then go back to see her.  We did that and during that hour I had painful contractions that were 3-4 min. apart.  I went back to see her and she said to go home (home was Nancy's house which is only 17 min from the hospital)  and relax and see how the night went.  She and Mike and I all thought we would for sure be having this baby during the night.  Well, when we got home my contractions slowly became less painful and further apart.  I went to bed and they eventually stopped completely.  I woke up and they started again, but not strong or consistent.  I called Dixie that morning and she said to come to her office.  We got there around 11:00 or so.  She checked me and said I was dilated to an 8.5 and she could stretch me to a 9 easily.  She asked me if I wanted to go ahead to the hospital and have my water broken or if I wanted to wait.  We chose to go ahead and have my water broken.  We felt there was no reason to wait.  We were ready.  I was admitted to the hospital between noon and 1.  Dixie got there at 2 and broke my water.  Shortly after that the GOOD contractions started.  Dixie left, she had to go back to her clinic and see other pts.  My nurse checked me and said she needed to call Dixie because she thought I was ready to deliver.  Dixie came in checked me and said it wasn't time yet.  She said she had a couple more pts to see but to call her if anything changed.  Well, not long after she left the contractions became almost unbearable and they were less than a minute apart.  As soon as one ended the next one started.  I told Mike I wanted an epidural...after I told him that I started crying because I felt guilty for asking for one and I felt weak and like I was giving up.  Mike told Janeece (our wonderful nurse and friend) and she called Dixie and the anesthesiologist.  Dixie was there about 3 minutes after Janeece called her.  She asked me if I wanted to try to keep going without an epidural or if I still wanted one.  I told her I still wanted one and she said ok.  She told me she wanted to check me once during my next contraction.  She checked me and said, "Shay let's have this baby, you're ready to push".  They set up the bed and I got into position.  I pushed once and Lucy's head came out, the second push her body came.  As she was coming out the anesthesiologist walked in, said, "happy birthday!" and left.  I was SOOOO happy I didn't get the epidural.  I knew I would have regretted it for the rest of my life.  I know that is silly to most people.  Lucy is absolutely perfect in every way and so incredibly beautiful.  I was worried that I couldn't love another child as much as I love Weston, but turns out I can!  This birth experience was incredible and I am so thankful for it being so quick.  Mike again, was the best coach and Dixie was incredible like always.  My mom was there too and I am so happy she was.  She helped relieve my pain during contractions.  I LOVE YOU MOM!!!  If the rest of my labors and deliveries could be like that I would be TOTALLY ok with it. 

Welcome to our family sweet girl.  We feel so blessed to have you as our daughter.  Weston loves you so much too and LOVES to give you kisses all day everyday!
The day before delivery
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Papa and his sidekick waiting for us at my appt
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Daddy and Weston admiring you
2012-05-31 18.19.06.jpg

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